


Characters that represent me or I relate to heavily. Offers will likely not be taken on them but you are free to try unless they are tagged otherwise.
MAINS Characters that don't count as personas but I am still extremely close to. High offers are required for these and are likely to be declined.

THE TOWER General character folder since I do not have enough to need more. Sorted into three value categories - you can offer on them but please don't lowball!
THE SHOP Characters I am selling. They are sorted by type and should have general price ranges/what I'm looking for on their profiles. USD is always prioritized!
WELCOME TO OSEWOOD Crushed between the petty issues of Heaven and Hell and on the cusp of civil war, this world is struggling to find balance between humans and the supernatural. Please don't offer on them! This story is dear to me and been in the works for years.

DOODLE BUGS N VENT PALS These are unique OCs that I enjoy scribbling random things or vents with. BE WARNED!!! Most of them probably have drawings that handle sensitive topics such as NSFW, SH, MENTAL ILLNESS, ect. If you are sensitive, please read the warnings on their profiles (if they have them) before viewing their galleries.
WORKS IN PROGRESS This folder is for characters that I like to look of and want to redraw/redesign! You can offer on them if you want to, but I would suggest waiting until they're finished - they may have better/more art then.

Information about my comms and examples of my art! I currently have 3 people on my waitlist. I'm sorry if you have to wait/have been waiting a while!

Currently Working On: [P_U_P_P_Y]
