Warrior Cats AU

i too know very minimal abt warrior cats HEL . shoved in clans Duskiri has for their au

clans: bayclan, forestclan, thunderclan, earthclan, snowclan, "birds of passage", & starclan

awaiting code: earthclan, starclan


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As their name suggests, BayClan resides in a forest along the shores of the ocean's bay. This clan has evolved over time to adapt to the saltwater of the sea, therefore enabling the cats native to this clan the capability of consuming small amounts of saltwater. They are also known for their sleek coats, helpful in travelling through bodies of water quickly. This clan is led by Shimmerstar, a munchkin-chartreux mix native to BayClan.


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ForestClan's residents all have a darker coat compared to other cats, utilised to help them blend in with their surroundings when hunting at night. They are very stealthy individuals, all with heightened senses once night falls. This clan is popular amongst rogues and loners, as they share a mutual respect towards one another. ForestClan is led by a tabby cat named Thicketstar.


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ThunderClan is known for its geographical position between most other clans, serving as a crossroad or place of rest for travelling cats. Its environment is warm and sunny, resulting in its residents having a more sunbleached pelt compared to other clans' cats, making it easy for them to blend into the dry grass of their veldlike habitat. They welcome loners and exes of other clans, and have relations with most other clans. ThunderClan is led by Flickerstar, a Somali cat raised into leadership.


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SnowClan is known for its residents' lean builds and white coats, perfectly camouflaging with the frost of its habitat. This clan is closely affiliated with EarthClan, both living on and around the mountains. Members of this clan are very agile and sleep inside caves found inside the mountains. This clan's leader is Thistlestar, a young ragdoll cat.

Birds of Passage

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"Birds of Passage" is a collective name towards the loners from clanmembers. This term started out as a derogatory descriptor, but was eventually reclaimed by the loners it was used upon. Now, certain loners are more well known to the other clans, and are considered their own pseudo-clan by the abundance of their population. Birds of Passage aren't bound to any certain territory, and roam around the borders of other clans' homegrounds. Being a pseudo-clan, it lacks leadership and hierarchal structure, but most of the community are friendly towards one another.