Auren Creek (Uni AU)

The university of Auren Creek
In a kind of parallel universe of our earth, magic excists but hasn't been that important in use for a few centuries (who needs lightning powers, when you got electricity). Through the influence of magic the feature of humans have changed over the years resulting in one being possible to have pointy ears, weird eye colors and colorful hair, etc.

The university is well known in the world and manystudents from different countries attend the courses. 

Some residents of Auren Creek
-) Lehni: one of the main characters of the world
-) Moreia: the other main character and love interest of Lehni
-) Lora: Lehni's roommate and best friend
-) Riley: One of Lehni's archeology studies buddy
-) Tala: One of Lehni's archeology studies buddy

This is an AU world of mine and my girlfriends main characters that has excistet for some years, but just now got explored more

want art of my babies need more art griffia bagbean dragon waterdog sushidog jolleraptor pokemon Cinnadog