Mutant Underground

Mutant Underground


New York, 2023. Mutagens that are able to genetically modify organisms have been banned from being used on humans. This doesn’t stop the Underground Mutant Fighting Rings from doing what they want, however. So a superhero, a bank robber, a recovering mutant ring fighter, and a cat all team up to stop the runner of a mutant ring. However, they begin to learn they all have roots far deeper than they could’ve imagined.


. World Info

A mutagen made in 1975 made it possible to genetically modify plants and animals. While it was made for plants, it took no time at all for people to begin using it. They could redesign it to make it have different genetic affects on themselves.

It took no time at all for power-hungry people to take advantage of this. They'd kidnap people in the night, turn them into mutants, and make them fight in the mutant rings. These mutant rings were often found underground in various sewer systems, sometimes even basements. The mutagen was banned in that stopped anyone. Nowadays, mutants who have managed to return above ground don't have proper rights. They're usually looked down upon, so desparate mutants who weren't given a chance often resort to desparate measures, earning them a bad name

. Setting

2023, New York. The Virus never happened, and there's not really anything political going on right now



Nickholas Harper

Cyber 01

June Dybrovsky


Oliver Holloway




Abigail Harper


role / job


role / job


role / job


role / job


role / job


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[ TERM ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae semper eros. Aenean rutrum massa et libero egestas posuere. Nam auctor sapien vitae enim pellentesque congue. Nunc venenatis sed erat non vulputate.

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