Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Content Warnings (may be updated): Christian themes, blood, nsfw (strictly artwork, and it is tagged as such)

Nsfw policy - I may upload explicit artwork from time to time, but I do not have any characters that are entirely sexual in nature. With that, my account is open to minors, but but I ask that you respect my choices and avoid trying to get around the mature image block. I was a minor, I know you may want to bend rules, but if I find out you chose to break my consent and try and view these images, you will be blocked and reported. It's not that I hate minors, I just want to keep them safe and discourage viewing sexual content and ignoring consent. Thank you.


- Racist, transphobic, homophobic, pedos/MAPs, etc.

- Anti-mspec, queer exclusionists, aphobic, etc.

- Endos (I am not a system and will not participate in system discourse)

- Proshippers 

- People who refuse to see nuance in media  

I will be as liberal as I need to be with the block button, it is your responsibility to curate your online spaces and I will choose to do so how I please.

That being said, if none of my DNI criteria applies, feel free to proceed :33

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!