Leyley55's Bulletins

Art Fight 2024

Posted 3 days, 14 hours ago by Leyley55

Joining again this year :D
I'll be on team Seafoam!

Profile link can be found here

I'll try my best to attack you back, and I'm open to do chains :D

(OPEN) Pride YCH!

Posted 13 days, 23 hours ago by Leyley55

Made a YCH for pride :D

Check it out here!

Help out a friend!

Posted 1 month, 11 days ago by Leyley55

My friend SkepticalDreamer needs help money wise!

She sent in her computer to get it repaired but the costs are a bit much for her to carry (about £800 worth of costs that didn't even fix the damn issues). You can find detailed information about the sitiuation right here. It would mean the world if you'd check out her adopt designs and spread the word if you can't help.

If you can, she also has a Ko-fi page from which you can donate to her to help her out.

Thank you so much for taking your time reading this, please help if you can <3

Hacking going around?

Posted 1 month, 14 days ago by Leyley55

EDIT: turns out this "hacker" was just a troll. Thier account is gone now, so things should be calming down (hopefully)

Woke up to like 3 nails about changing my password. That's Hella sus lol

I guess take this as a warning? 

Change your password if needed, don't klick on any links in mails, enable 2FA, etc 

If you do see anything suspicious happen to any account, or even mine, try reporting it to staff

Stay careful!