Lieutenant_Namagem's Bulletins

Draw my OCs

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by Lieutenant_Namagem

Please draw my OCs! I wanna see what they look like in your art styles 

He wears different pairs of floaties depending on his current mood.

His ears wiggle when he’s happy.

He fans his tail out when he’s excited.

He’s an expert swimmer yet he still wears floaties, mostly because he finds them comfortable to wear.

He chews on plants and twigs sometimes.

He runs on all fours when he’s excited.

He’s very hyper, he might have autism or adhd.

He likes to snuggle with his floaties sometimes.

He likes chocolate milk.

He sucks his thumb while he’s sleeping or when he’s upset.

He likes to play fetch.

He likes to chew on bones and chew toys.

He likes to climb trees.