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User Content Warning

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Hihi! Just a couple things to note before you come in here!

1. I uh. Really like Danganronpa. Obviously I am highly critical of it, but I very much enjoy it and have several DR OCs

2. I am psychotic so my posts might sometimes not make sense. I try to stay off here during that, but I'm not always great at it lmao

3. Yes I have a lot of characters, no I'm not a hoarder, I have plans for them

4. My characters might portray some uh. REALLY bad shit. I don't support any of it, it's just what felt right for their backstories. I'll make sure to give specific warnings

5. I swear. A lot

6. I don't care what age you are but I'm 19 as of writing this so keep that in mind ig? I will NOT discuss NSFW content with minors and I will absolutely NOT draw you any NSFW content if you don't have an age/age range listed somewhere


-The basic DNI stuff


-I can't really stop you if you're a DSMP fan but. If you support the creators gtfo

-If you're one of _those_ TCC people. I like true crime too but I'm not lusting after a literal real life serial killer

-If you're one of those people that goes "Don't be an IRL of my character :(((( It makes me sad :(((((((" fuck off lmao we can't control it, way to be ableist <3

-Also if you're "neutral" on systems??? Go away?????

-All Lives Matter/Blue Lives Matter supporters


-If you use the term "trap" or "femboy" (they're transmisogynistic)

-I'd prefer if people who use he/him for Chihiro Fujisaki didn't interact

-Trump Supporter

-Actually, Republican in general. Including right-leaning centrist. Other centrists are on thin fucking ice

-MAP/PEAR/Whatever the fuck you're calling yourself

-Against xenogenders, neopronouns, and Pronoun Non-Conforming (PNC) people (like he/him lesbians, she/her gays, etc.)

-If you believe in Cluster B Abuse or believe certain disorders make you inherently abusive/a bad person

-Honestly if you demonize any mental illness, leave, I don't want you here

-Pro-Gun/NRA? Idk how to describe it but like. If you're against gun control then fuck off lmao

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