For sales

What to offer
I will accept:
  • Money
    • Please note that my currency is Euro, state it in Euro when making an offer and if you have any others currency take in account the conversion or fees !
  • Art
    • I might be a bit picky about the art, don't be offended ! Please provide example and says if you can draw humans or feral (I have both amongst my OCs). I'm looking for couple art but could also consider single art.
  • Mixed offer ( Art + money, art + design/characters, money + /design/characters, etc)
I won't accept or might be picky with
  • Characters / Designs alone
    • I'm very picky about characters since I already own a lots, unless they're a big dreamie I'm more likely to say no.
  • Amino coin
Ask if you have any question and please be sure to have read my T.O.S !

Full T.O.S link: The "about my designs & adoptables" is the last part.

Art with two characters (couple) and money > art and money > money > art with 2 characters > art > customs, adoptables and other OCs (only as add on) 

Full T.O.S link:

✧ About my designs & adoptables ✧

-Do not steal/copy/trace/take inspiration from my designs.
-Do not claim to be the designer of the character & please credit me.

-Do not use them before paying & wait for my reply before paying.
-You can add accessories, but you cannot change the design or just really a bit. Do not turn them into furry/anthro.
-You can't resell the design without my permission. If you don't want them anymore & want to get rid of them, I'll take them back.
-Do not draw NSFW with them. Blood is totally ok but not heavy gore (guts/organs visible or trypophobia) or sexual/suggestive/fetish, I do not want to see my design portrayed like this.
-Do not genderbend the male (most of them are male) into female. As someone with a lot of gender dysphoria it makes me feels bad to see my design being treated same way.
-For commercial use, ask before doing anything.
-I like to keep track of my design, if you need to put them private, I would appreciate to get an access keys.
-Do not delete them.
-Do not delete pictures from their gallery. (Well you can hide some if you want except for the OG ones/the ones made by me).
-Do not use them for AI or NFT.
-Do not use/draw my designs for political/propaganda art.
-Feel free to offer anything, mostly looking for art or money but I can accept design or custom as well, rarely, mostly as add-on. Feel free to do mixed offer !
-My currency is Euro, please keep that in mind when offering. Offer with euro.
-Please, take care of them ! ;-;
-If you broke any rules, the right to the character would be lost and revoked, I take them back.