Little guy club

73039187_AdxdIWEWyMskawe.pngThis is a club consisting of little guys and little guys only. Run by yours truly, Dizzy.

This is just a folder to showcase my sillies. They aren't used for any project, hence they're not well developed, but I may sometimes use them for other purposes. Most characters in this folder uses Plushpon's critter card layout for their profiles.

WARNING: Albus, Epsilon, and Riku's cards have photosensitive imagery as backgrounds. Albus and Epsilon's are ultrabright, and Riku's has chromatic aberration.

CS Humanoid Male 18 or older Artfight Nursery Rhyme Human Creature Female No Gore Pls Feral Closed Species Object More art needed Important Not a Character Ranebopets Demon Deity Any Gender