Lithia's Bulletins

raffle reminder

Posted 29 days, 6 hours ago by  Birthday Raffle!! Lithia

just a quick reminder that I have a birthday raffle going on right now! there are only a few days left to enter!

going auth only!

Posted 30 days, 8 hours ago by Lithia

a lot is going on with the site right now, so to keep all my characters safe I will be switching to auth only

I'll authorize friends when I get the chance! 


Posted 1 month, 2 days ago by Lithia

hi!! it's my birthday today and I wanted to remind everyone that I am hosting a birthday raffle so please feel free to join! 

hi there, if you're seeing this right now my friend is going through a very difficult time right now and could use the extra help. I would rather not go into details as that's not for me to share, but what I will share is their adorable adopts! 

please check them out and consider buying one or even sharing them with others to help these adopts find homes!

upcoming birthday raffle

Posted 1 month, 10 days ago by Lithia

raffle prize?

0 Votes a new adopt - give me an idea of what you'd like to see!
2 Votes already made adopt - should I let the winner choose which one or have one set?
0 Votes winner gets art - skip the adopt idea and just give the winner art
1 Votes multiple winners - what should the prizes be for each place?
0 Votes none of the above - give me a suggestion in the comments

I want to do a birthday for my raffle like I did last year, but I'm unsure what to do. any suggestions?

super cute adopts

Posted 1 month, 19 days ago by Lithia

check them out here!

Art Fight 2024!!

Posted 3 months, 10 days ago by  AF attacks! 2024 Lithia

I'm so excited to be participating for the first time! feel free to drop your links and I'll start bookmarking characters to attack!


important bulletin

Posted 3 months, 25 days ago by Lithia

hi everyone, I want to start by apologizing for going on an unexpected hiatus. it wasn't something I wanted or meant to do, but life has been quite difficult for me. I feel like I owe an explanation due to leaving without saying anything while having multiple trades in progress, but I will also try keeping it short since I don't feel comfortable giving out too much personal information. 

trigger warning, there will be mention of: mental health, self harm, grief and death 

some of you may have seen near the end of last year I talked about the house my family and I live in feels like it's slowly falling apart. sadly that hasn't changed. there are plumbing and electrical issues that have left us without water or electricity. we also have issues with our roof that have caused water damages as well as having to deal with mold. we aren't able to fix everything quickly due to it being too expensive. all of this alone has brought down my mental health quite a lot. I found myself unable to leave my bed most of the time. I then got extremely sick and was bedridden for two weeks. once I finally got better from being sick I was planning on coming back to toyhouse, I even started on sketches for my owed trades. we then had someone pass away in our family. this was a huge setback on my mental health. I once again wasn't able to leave bed from being too depressed. at this time I started even having "dark" thoughts and even made an attempt. if it weren't for my sister I'm not sure if I would still be here right now. I've taken some time to focus on both my mental and physical health. I wasn't mentally ready to come back to toyhouse or any kind of social media at all. I felt horrible for not getting online to at least give everyone an explanation. I am seeing a therapist, but we don't have many appointments since my family can't afford it. since I've started to finally feel a bit better I thought it was the time to come online and make this bulletin. I can't promise that I will be very active or that I will be coming back completely, but I did feel like I should come online to explain my side and apologize to everyone I left in the dark.

any help is appreciated

Posted 9 months, 3 days ago by Lithia

hi. I hate having to make a bulletin like this and ask for help, but my family is struggling right now

Trigger Warning: this bulletin talks about life struggles and mental health

right now it feels like our whole house is slowly falling apart on itself. our plumbing is outdated and our copper pipes are starting to leak, we were told that they wouldn't be able to be fixed and we would need to replace all of our plumbing. our roof is also giving out, part of it near our garage and laundry room has caved in. since winter is here the rain and snow is getting in. we currently have a tarp covering that part of our roof in hopes that we can get it fixed soon. water has already gotten in and mold forming in the wall in that corner of the house. aside from the house itself our fridge is dying and needs to be replace. it's starting to give up and we've already had to throw away food because of it. I've been having a difficult time dealing with this mentally. everything has been happening so fast and all at once. I'm barely eating one meal a day due to both stress and fear of spending any additional money.

I know right now has been a difficult time for many people, but any help is very much appreciated. even if you aren't able to give anything, just spreading my bulletin to others is help in itself.   

-I have characters in my to-go folders that I'd take USD offers on. I don't mind if you offer on USD on any character on my account, but I do get attached to my characters and can't guarantee that I'll accept 

-I'm also offering a YCH and icons, both still and GIF. for the art it might take me some time to get everything done as I already have some owed art and this situation has me so stressed it's difficult finding motivation to get things done. so please only offer if you don't mind me getting the art to you next month.

-I do have a redbubble shop that offers stickers as well as other merch for each design, all you have to do is click on a design you like and scroll down to see what other products you can get the design on

-if you don't mind donating without receiving anything in return I do have a ko-fi

thank you so much for taking the time to read my bulletin. I feel awful having to ask for help, but my family could really use it.