Little_Boo's Profile Comments

Hi! Thanks a lot for the fav! <3

commenting on your profile because its easierĀ 

reku: feel free to offer, somewhat notĀ tent

glow: can send for free

grayscale: can send for free

lunala: can send for free

mint: tent offer

mizu: can send for free

nagisa: can send for free

moon bliss: give me a good reason to adopt and i will give them to you

nazuka: nft

so would you be ok with me sending the freebies? im glad you like so many of them >w<

Yus, would u please send the freebies? :3


ill probably do it later tho if thats fine

Hey! I'll be giving you 2 more days for the art for the characters you want then I'll be putting them back up for offers

its okay, im sorry but i havent been feeling well so i cant draw anything right now

Oh I hope you get better <3