NE0Tokyo ♡


[Inspiration for this is a classic post-apocalpyse setting; think of 'Last of Us' & 'Wolfs Rain']
Disclaimer: This story was created as a role play with a friend back in 2009 and it's purely guilty pleasure stuff at this point.

Genre: Post apocalyptic, urban fantasy
Warnings: Violence, murder, death, mental illness, self harm, rape, abuse
Main Lovers: Kai/Ray, Aki/Caleigh, Yu/Lelys, Haru/Haley
Side pairs: Angel/Sin, Lazarus/Domino
Playlist: *Spotify*

More Info:

The setting of the story
It's 2XXX; and the world is in ruins. War, human greed and natural disasters have destroyed the earth and rich and wealthy built walls to protect themselves. The streets of NE0 Tokyo are run by violence, criminals and outlaws, while Tokyo is guarded by a giant glass wall and military that keeps its citizens safe. Tokyo doesn't care about the different world literally at its doorsteps. NE0 Tokyo is pure anarchy and it's survival of the fittest in most cases, with only a few safe havens through out the town. Different gangs fight on a daily basis and only the best get money and missions from private persons or corrupt politicians in Tokyo.
Two gangs are especially promising and efficient, and they are known for handling missions fast and pragmatic. Of course they can't stand each other and as fate will have it, both gangs have to work together after the government of Tokyo sets them both up for failure on the same mission and tries to get rid of them both. Rallying behind a common enemy, a very fragile truce is formed once they realize that they are becoming public enemy number one all of the sudden and their chances of survival are higher when they work together. 

Special Info: Many many years ago a virus was accidentally released outside of the protected cities and as a result, human DNA mutated and now about 30% of the population is able to shape shift into an animal at will. Shape shifting is not allowed in the cities of the rich and if a shape shifter is discovered, it's either resulting in exile or straight up death sentence.

Gang 01 - The Wolves [S0UL FIRES] - 
Hideout is an old theatre 
Kai: +300 year old vampire, leader of the pack, does most of the work, can shape shift into a white wolf
Aki: Second in command, was found & raised by Kai at the age of 14, can shape shift into a red wolf
Lelys: Youngest & most fragile, the medic & tech support of the team and responsible for their pets and the household; currently unable to shape shift into his wolf form
Yutaka: Joins the gang at the start of the story when he saves Lelys, can shape shift into a Snow Leopard
Pets of the gang: Zeus (black wolf, oldest), Hades (grey wolf), Artemis & Apollo (black & white husky twins), Nana (Border Collie), Pan (Wolf pup)

Gang 02 - The Cats [FATE C0NTR0L] - 
Hideout is an old cinema
Ray: +300 year old vampire, leader of the cats, relies on teamwork, can shape shift into a white tiger
Haru: Second in command, responsible for the pets, most mature
Caleigh: Wildcard, was found by Ray and Haru, does most of the killing, often takes on solo missions, currently shape shifts into a black cat
Haley: [joins the gang later down the story line]
Pets of the gang: Tsuki & Ame (white tiger twins), Teru (black panther), Hou (white tiger cub), Noir (silver chinchilla)

Beloved Never leaving me Elnin MYO Oldest OCs True Mains My heart and soul EO Open the flood gates Tears are ok Sad Beans V Melancholic serious beans Co-Own not to be trusted but not sad just kinda done with people Comfort main protagonist syndrome extroverts cs would sell your grandma sexyman Happy confident bean cool asshole co-own Co-Owning Absolutely never leaving me secret mass murderer...maybe elnin Energetic Co-owned Pretty Design closed species commercial use daema Blindlace Forever home Kitsune eyre LOUD confident Commercial Rights Such Love wildcard myo Male Enigma Eliore male Werewolf Half-Tabaxi gift Happy confident bean Never ask Sells you poison as healing potion has visions MYO Idea Chizuny highly edited Old God Gifted Cyborg Dumb and dynamic but still submissive Gift but no character yet