
TCP was a WIP story made years ago that was a collection of OCs shoved into one world. It's mostly be dropped but hey, i can dream... :')

Things to note;

-There are two gods in this universe, one of whom is a false sona.

-The gods routinely send "prophets" down in baby or teen form to spread their way of life. One adores chaos, one adores order. There are two factions in these world who follow the different gods.

-As part of the chaos god's inference, hybrids exist, as do a species of shapeshifting blobs that vaguely look like dittos.

-FlameConnie was affected by a subspecies of the blobs who take bodies as hosts for their shapeshifting powers.

(also yes we will be getting more non-cat-hybrid characters soon   i just had kitty phonk stuck in my head when choosing characters to update)

(current/future character list, will probably be wildly out of date: max, storm/olivia, fern, the chaos, the creator, codralulu, neapolitan/nea, the luster (jfc rename her), whatever the hell that one deer youtube streamer was called, sata and lucy, unnamed kitsune hybrid, a page for the perception shifters species, the creator's prophet, the gay vampires (vincent and whatshisname), aqua, coral (i think that's what i called her??), aqua's unnamed ex, the poor lizard guy who got cockblocked by storm having a crush on fern, journalist lady who is currently just a concept - oh and a few more dudes to try and make this universe not as 90% girl)