
Old Valley Town dgnjn12-eed33c40-8486-4fb9-bca4-49fd3d48

Old Valley is a secluded town deep in the mountains, far from bustling cities and crowded streets. The town started when lumber was in high demand and boomed when large deposits of coal were found in the nearby mountains. Unfortunetly, with the age of electricity and cleaner energy came around, Old Valley was left with a crippled economy barely limping by through its lumber mills. Most of the citizens were born here, and with limited education options, most stay in Old Valley for the rest of their lives. Those who wish for something grander in life usually move to Imperial City, the overpopulated and sinful den of the land. But the residents of Old Valley are simple people content to count their blessings and enjoy the bounty and peace the valley brings. But thats not to all is right in Old Valley Town...

Small Town Rustic Probably Haunted Simple People...or are they? Dainty World

Imperial City ddyolfi-3cc6fb34-d49f-4249-9e82-21d4a05c

Imperial city is the capital of the land and is over flowing with people. The richest of the rich live in the highrises and penthouses in the center of the city, over looking the glowing glory of the city. The mid levels are decent place to be, with plenty of shops and small but livable apartments and the claustrophobia is minimal. The lower levels, which make up the majority of Imperial City, are trash and smog filled. The tiny holes they call apartments and the squished alleys of the buildings that are their streets cause a rampant sense of claustrophobia.

Big City Highrollers Sin City Everyone here is awful Dainty World

Olympia tami-wicinas-tami-1.jpg?1489715625

The home of the gods, an eternal paradise of all the luxuries and pleasures that any mind could conjure. This is where the gods watch over and scheme over the mortal world and its inhabitants.

Home of The Gods Dieties Everyone here is crazy Dainty World

The Hospital Story Empty-Hospital-Hall.jpg

The Royal Xygoroth Research Hospital is the leading hopsital in looking into new forms of cures for all manner of diseases and traumas, incorporating modern medicine and old school healing magic. Patients who can't be cured or treated by other hospitals are sent here for further study and in hopes of finding something that might be able to help them.

Hospital Xygoroth Sickness Doctors, nurses, and patients

The Forsaken WellmadeMasculineChihuahua-max-1mb.gif

The war between Heaven and Hell has been a fact of nature for eternity. The world of humans, of mortals, has always been blissfully unaware of the war waging around them and for them. Demons tempt humans to sin so that when they pass from the mortal realm they're reborn as demons, while the angels try to keep the humans on a holy and just path so they may be reborn as angels. Both sides need number to hopefully win the war and reign supreme over the mortal world, either as their impartial tyrants or their benign dictators. It has always been this way and will always be this way. Even with the few hiccups here and there.

Heaven Hell Demons Angels

Portents giphy.gif

The Portents are a race of alien humanoids who reproduce asexually, but as the generations go on their powers diminish. In return they gain more stable forms that are easier to intergrate in to galatic civilization. All their kind descend from the first 5, but the survivors to gradually dwindling race are the descendents of Am. Sadly, Am's two offspring, Amadigus and Amathygus, had radically different views on how to live and continue their species. Amadigus kill their sibling and many of their offspring, but not before Amathygus was able to send his youngest to a tribal planet that worshipped them like a god, but left the child, Amareus, unaware of what they were and who sought their destruction.

Space Aliens Hijinks Small amounts of genocide? Or is it familicide?

Osvilloes erskine-designs-cdsbsdbsd.jpg?1553880257

The dark world of Osvilloes is occupied by monsters and misery. Life for the average peasant is endless hardwork for no reward and a meandering end. The merchants traverse across lands filled with all kinds of danger from the land to its inhabitants. The nobility are better off than most with wealth and servants, but they still fear those on top of the food chain. The monsters who masquerade as humans, and those that don't even try.

Vampires Monsters Dark They're all unique kinds of crazy

The Covens tumblr_n27nfuBizE1r53ai0o1_500.gif

Witchy stuff

??? ??? ??? ??? Mixed World

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