LovelessKia's Bulletins

Selling Yume & Aya (Dreamies)

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago by LovelessKia

I never draw them & I feel awful that they're just sitting around. So I'd rather sell them, money is more important to me atm anyway.

Were intended to be siblings, but can be sold separate.

Yume has lots of additional art, Aya has a few pieces. I'll be updating their profiles with artwork, only including pieces by me (not other artists)

I don't remember what I sold them for, so I'm looking for offers. I won't take less than 200$ for Yume, and 100$ for Aya. No payment plans or holds. Offers will end Friday.


Posted 9 years, 6 months ago by LovelessKia

idk WTF I'm doing wrong but watermarks just refuse to work for me? I uploaded my personal one, and watermarks are working on the thumbs, but not on the full-size? Even though I have it set to that? I already tried deleting the character and re-uploading but it still won't work ffff

This is so frustrating CRY

idk how things work here lmao

Posted 9 years, 6 months ago by LovelessKia

but I'll upload more babs later, I'm gonna go play pokemon! uwu/