Terms and Guidelines Pertaining to the Use of Provided Resources
Kindly Adhere to the Following Guidelines to Ensure Appropriate Usage; Non-compliance May Result in being Blocked/Blacklisted:

Attribution Requirement: It is imperative to attribute me as the originator of these resources, acknowledging me as an artist present on this platform without any exceptions.

Resource Access Protocol: Prior to utilizing any of the resources, kindly mark them as favorites. This facilitates my ability to discover and appreciate the creations resulting from their usage. When posting them to toyhou.se please credit SinisterBases as an on site artist

Adherence to Specified Rules: Consistent adherence to the guidelines I have outlined is vital. Failure to comply could potentially lead to a suspension of access.

Copyright Respect: I hold copyright ownership ©️ over all the bases, and they are exclusively my creations. In cases where the base is inspired by existing media, due credit will be given. Please refrain from any claims of authorship, tracing, or unauthorized use of my resources.

Uniqueness and Comparison: Avoid making comparisons between my resources and those of others. It is regrettable that this point needs to be emphasized, but such comparisons are discourteous and unprofessional.

Resource Modification: Modifying the resources is permitted, encompassing alterations such as adjusting base lines, modifying palette colors, incorporating palettes into moodboards, and more. However, proper credit for the original creation remains a requisite.

Resource Description Clarification: It is advised to peruse the descriptions associated with each base, as they may indicate whether the resource can be employed for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

Usage Limitation: These resources should not be utilized for the promotion of any form of hate. Editing with explicit content is permissible only if the individual is of legal age (18 and above).

Resource Sharing Protocol: Instead of directly sharing the resource files, kindly share the direct links to the bases. This approach ensures proper acknowledgment and adherence.

Stay Updated: Regularly verify for any updates that may have been applied to the base. Keeping your creations aligned with the latest versions enhances their relevance and quality.

These guidelines aim to foster a respectful and professional approach to using the resources provided. Your compliance is greatly appreciated.

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