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A tiny, foggy planet with 4 moons orbiting around it. Massive fungal colonies populate the surface, releasing toxic spores into the thin atmosphere. Most of the inhabitants are reptilian or insectoid in genetic makeup, built to breathe the spores. Those who explore space have become somewhat of an icon, due to their instantly recognisable masks. They cannot breathe oxygen like most spacefarers, therefore they keep tanks full of their planet's unique gases to use. The shape of the mask is mass produced, and you can easily pick a fungal planet dweller from a crowd.

Due to the overwhelming and rapid growth of mushrooms and colonies, many of the dwellers are well accustomed to it, and let them grow on their limbs, backs, etc. as decorations. Different cultures have different colors and patterns, and also make paints and colorful, bioluminescent juices from the flora. Very little vegetation besides shrooms grows on the planet, mostly roots and poison flowers. There is, however, a widespread fruit that grows just about anywhere on the surface, leeching off of the nutrients from the decay. It grows upwards into a small sac, filled with tasteless juices and dull seeds. Despite being bitter and disgusting to eat, it is worshipped as the life giver, as those lost can survive off of the fruits in large amounts for as long as it takes to be rescued. Any other fruits that grow are sparse and difficult to find at best. There are gathering jobs specifically looking for these rare feats of nature, as they can be taken and cultivated in the massive burrows beneath the surface.

The non-sentient species are highly mutated and specialized, to the point there are thousands of extinct, unique species a day from being unable to breed any further or find a suitable mate. However, these exotic and odd creatures are highly sought after in the cross-galactic pet trade. Collectors climb over each other for the chance to buy one, but the prices of the dangerous beasts skyrocket. It may be lucritive, but the natives frown upon the practice, fearing it will destroy the fragile ecosystem that had been carefully cultivated for millions of years.