Mystic Moon (CotS)

Leader - Zelenia
Second -
Oracle -  
Ranked Healer - Marama (NPC)
Apprentice Healer -
Hunters (Agility) - Arcus (NPC)
Scouts (Agility) -
Defenders (Strength) - Aydamir (NPC)
Patrollers (Strength) -


The Mystic Moon Flight is lead by Zelenia and is located in a beautiful valley protected by mountains on all sides. It has a clear stream running through its center and is teeming with plenty of prey. The valley really has a magical look and feel to it at night, for when the moon rises, it is filled with hundreds of thousands of purple and white moon flowers. 

This flight is known as the flight of misfits. The ones that are weird and outcasts Skylings. The ones no one wants to be around because of their oddities, be it appearance, actions, or personality. Despite what others think, this flight is very welcoming to odd looking and normal looking Skylings. Mystic Moon is always up for meeting new Skylings and becoming allies with those that need it. They are very friendly and inviting to those that enter their territory, as long as they are not hostile in anyway. They will always lend a paw, claws, fangs, and some magic to those that have gained their trust and friendship. Once you’ve gained that, you’re friends with them for life unless you turn on them or betray them.

Mystic Moons’ word is their bond. Any that break that bond are striped of their rank, then punished and banished from the territory to never return. At this time, no such actions have been done and all hope it stays that way. This flight wishes to stay peaceful without conflicts and confrontations within and outside their borders.


This is a WIP

Factory Dogs Berry Fox Dee Gummy Dog Oriental Jader Belldee MYO FunCatty Female Anthro Vernid Kitsumera Belldandy