
The story opens with Villain finding Mira and confronting her. He promises her great power and purpose, which she already has, but doesn't know it. Although doubtful, she is overly trusting and agrees to follow him. He introduces her to his group of misfits and encourages her to join them. She wants to know what their goal is, as it is apparent that they are partaking in activities that are less than legal and as an upstanding citizen and student, she doesn't want to risk her place in society and promising standings. Villain then explains that the government of their land is not as it seems and the kingdom has been out of a leader for too long. They are hiding the fact that they have no one suitable to lead and have made extremely poor decisions regarding less fortunate members of society. Most of the team has experience being mistreated and are part of the group as a sort of rebellion. Mira is not rebellious, but Villain, always the smooth talker, convinces Mira that they need her power, which she has yet to unlock, and her higher standing in society to help them.

Mira is doubtful and has never felt special in her life, just painfully average. Villain takes her alone and teaches her how to unlock the magic in her Amethyst gem- the only memento she has from her deceased parents who she knows nothing about. Mira has no idea that this is a magical item, but Villain teaches her, as he and the other members of his group also actively harness magical ability from their own gemstones. Villain is able to teach Mira how to use lightning magic from her gemstone, which is surprisingly powerful. Mira is shocked that she has been holding onto this power her entire life without knowing. Villain  expresses that it is her own ability that makes her magic so strong. Mira's life is changed as she now knows that she holds power and has a responsibility to use it.

Mira desperately wants something else out of her mundane life. She was hoping that being in university would give her that opportunity, but meeting Villain and realizing the power she holds has awakened in her a new purpose. She is also helpless to the passive power of manipulation that Villain has and falls quickly into trusting him. He is persuasive and convinces her that she is the piece missing in the puzzle they are working on to regain control of their lives from the hands of the kingdom's leaders.

Mira is already extremely trusting and has too much faith in herself and quickly falls prey to Villain and his promises. She is terrified of him, as his is physically intimidating, but is also strangely attracted to him. He is a smooth talker and mysterious. He emanates a great strength that she has yet to witness or understand. As she spends more time around him, she falls for him more and more, not only growing her attachment to him, but causing him to form an attachment to her. 

After weeks of preparation and honing her abilities, Mira is allowed to participate in a mission the team has planned. Villain has a hesitance about having Mira there, despite knowing that she is ready to join them, but Mira isn't able to figure out why. Mira's role is small, but she witnesses the skills and abilities of the rest of the group, understanding now that they are not just unsavory characters for the way they live, but also by their actions. Her faith in the group wavers, but her faith, and admiration, for Villain holds strong.

During the mission, there is a skirmish with some guards and Villain finally reveals his true nature. He isn't just another misfit, like the others in the group, he is a monster. A curodinote. The fear Mira wasn't able to place becomes clear as she realizes that Villain is actually a creature from the scary stories mothers tell their children to get them to obey. He is a myth that became reality and he is BRUTAL. He is stronger than any creature she has ever seen and has bloodthirsty power. He becomes enraged at the fact that Mira had to see him in his truly monstrous form just as they were becoming close. However, as he is involved in a bloody rampage he is dealt a fatal blow to the throat. Mira, at a separate location, but still able to view Villain's sacrifice, unleashes powerful mourning lightning throughout the area, becoming a sort of monster suitable for someone like Villain.

Without Villain as a leader, the team is lost and disbanded briefly. Mira returns to her life before Villain and before magic and opens up to her closest friends, Flore and Marinus, who have been worried about her. Her frequent disappearances, her failing school and social life and her scattered mind have all hinted to them that something was going on. Now she is returned and they do their best to lead her back into her normal life. Marinus notices she is grieving and in her mourning the two of them rekindle a close relationship they had as children.

The group is brought back together after Vayler, the member of the group arguably closest to Villain, discovers a contact in  Villain's belongings. The contact traces to the palace, meaning they have ties to the government. The group decides to investigate, as this seems like something they should have pursued, giving their goal. Mira is particularly involved as her name is written and highlighted near the contact. After her time away to reflect not only on her actions but the actions of Villain, she easily falls back into trusting  his plans and wants to return to this unique lifestyle.

They meet the contact in the palace, able to get through easily to them because the contact turns out to be Villain's half-sister, Pax. Pax explains Villain's history and his past as an adopted member of the royal family. They discover that Villain was responsible for the murder of the King, leading the kingdom into a state of confusion and chaos. It turns out that all along he was working towards atoning for his mistakes. The group feels lied to, but as they are there, Pax figures out that she recognizes Mira. They discover that Mira is the long lost kidnapped princess and heir to the throne. In shock, Mira declines taking any action on the discovery and is encouraged to keep the secret until a safer opportunity arises as the current regent and Villain's adopted brother was highly protective of his position. Pax agreed to stay in touch with the group and help however she could with getting Mira into a position with more power.

After witnessing a romantic encounter between Mira and Marinus while trapped within a gemstone, Villain- being kept alive by the magic vessel- goes into an obsessive rage.  His sheer power breaks him out of the gemstone and confusing, Zircon for Marinus, attacks Zircon and rips out the gemstone planted in his chest. The group learns that Villain is still alive,  in a blinding rage and now has the power of two gemstones. 

Villain, feeling betrayed by Mira and a victim of obsessive love heightened by magical interference, steals Mira away to his childhood home. There he fully confesses his love to her and his fury at her betrayal. She not only has made a claim to the throne, which he still believes he deserves, but she has also moved on to a new man. In a highly dangerous state, the rest of the group are reluctant to go save Mira, most assuming Villain will just kill her. Marinus, having now joined the group through Mira's encouragement, goes off to save her. *Cue Down Once More* Villain threatens to kill Marinus and is very capable, but Mira intervenes, expressing finally that she felt used by Villain and that what they had was not love. She admits that she doesn't want to follow Villain anymore. Villain, suffering deeply from a not healed wound, lets the couple leave, physically unharmed. He then uses Zircon's gemstone to vanish.

Mira, now sure that she can lead on her own, decides to come out publicly as the princess and take the throne. She has to figure out how to gently move into the position as the current regent, Cervidae, is unwilling to leave. She also will have to navigate the fear that Villain is still around and may make an attempt at the throne or harm those around her.

Mira has a large support system now, consisting of her old friends, Flore and Marinus, as well as the group of gemstone users. They help her into the transition and help her see that this is the purpose she has been waiting for. She just needs to figure out how she wants to go about leading for herself and for the people of the kingdom.