LunarFrostQueen45's Bulletins

LFQ45 Update

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by LunarFrostQueen45

Hello, everyone! It's been a while since my last bulletin...  

I'm not sure what to talk about given everything that's been happening as of last year. I'd rather not go into details. Nothing's new with me, really...I haven't been able to invest my time with art (or the things that I would constitute as art, but that's something for a different time). I've been active on other sites but haven't really paid much attention to Toyhouse...speaking of which, I don't have much to contribute to my galleries and sometimes I wonder if I've wasted my time here due to my lack of artistic talent to make something. Inspiration is really hard to come by...  

Sorry if this bulletin killed any positive vibes or moods out there. It honestly wasn't my intent. I just wanted to check in, but it turned out that I needed to get some things off my chest.

Anyway, hope you have a good day or evening wherever you are, and remember to keep on shining!    


Profile Updates

Posted 3 years, 10 months ago by LunarFrostQueen45

Hi, everyone! I'm still in the process of settling in on this site despite being in its alpha stages. I hope to see this place grow into something great someday; it has potential.   

So; I'm mostly creating character folders for my OCs followed by creating their official bios for my original story. Now that I think about it; I'm not sure if I like the title of it now; it sounds a little confusing to me now compared to when I first came up with it. Is that feeling normal for writers or is it just me?

Anyway, let me know what you think of my characters thus far once the bios are up, I guess? If you're interested, that is.  I also want to make my profile look prettier but I don't know how to do that. Sorry; I'm getting ahead of myself when I have much work to do. I guess I'll see you around, and as always keep on shining!   


Welcome to my profile!

Posted 4 years, 4 months ago by LunarFrostQueen45

Hi! Welcome to my profile! 

I'm new to Toyhouse, but I hope we can be friends.

Here are a few things about me:

  • I'm not much of a role-player. I know that's encouraged here, but it's just not my thing. So, please refrain from role-playing here. Sorry!  
  • My characters are precious to me; I'm in the process of writing an original story for them which is far from complete. I have a main eponymous OC that I’ll use to represent myself sometimes, but she is indeed her own person. That being said, my characters are not for sale or trade.
  • You can also follow me on deviantART, Discord, Pinterest, and Twitter. Send me a private message if you want to follow me on Discord and I’ll share my username with you.
  • If there's anything else you wish to know about me, please drop me a private message and I'll tell you what you need to know.   I'll try my best to answer.