Lunarwulve's Bulletins

Free raffle going on!!

Posted 4 days, 2 hours ago by Lunarwulve

There's a raffle going on here!


Looking for Ocs

Posted 1 month, 1 day ago by Lunarwulve

Hey y'all, I'm looking for Warrior Cat OCS! If you have any you don't want I'm willing to trade for characters in my adopts folder.

I'm also willing to do small art pieces, you can find examples on my Instagram.

Please keep in mind I don't have a dedicated spot for art examples. My style is consistently changing so I can't promise anything will stay consistent across pieces.

I am always working to improve though.

If you do have characters you want to give, please link them in the comments and which character you want to trade them for or the art you want. (Head, Bust, full body) (Basic colour background or complicated)