

This is my Core winx group. They don't really have a name, 'core' was just a way to refer to them as my main group. Among them are some of my most used Winx OC's such as Prima and Astra. They group in it's entirity isn't necessarily composed out of the OCs I use most. Characters like Vesna aren't in here because they have a seperate themed group of their own, and characters like Lelia and Enigma got kicked out because there were too many characters w/ blonde hair and/or white palettes. 

Core doesn't really have a leader, although Prima definitly has the most 'protagonist' vibes.

A brief introduction to them (from left to right):

82455278_ItJlzshHQVfeuIc.gifVira, fairy of glitches: A mischievous fairy from Zenith that can 'hack' reality with her powers and create illusions. 

82455257_0yL.gifPrima, fairy of the Royal Griffin: The daughter of two infamous criminals, who accidentally tapped into the powers of an artefact her parents stole.
82455179_hhaOpml464ELtv1.gifHeloys, fairy of precious metals:  A pick-pocketing sky pirate with her heart in the right place.

82455216_ohT.gifAstra, fairy of comets: An ex-resident of an isolated conservative community of 40 people living on an asteroid, stowed away from society.

82455233_Smq47t0GQQcdira.gifCirce, the fairy of the dark side of the moon: A questionably knowledgeable girl whose sources may be more ancient than any of the books at Alfea.