(They're black and white-themed and v gay)

☾LUNALUX is a contrasting group, not only in personality but also color palette, Enigma and Gala both bearing white as main color, opposed to Neria and Joan. They were forced to work together during a mission, which didn't go well at all, considering Enigma used to bully Gala, causing Neria (the latter's girlfriend) to absolutely despise her.


Gala, fairy of the milky way is the sweet, introverted princess of the planet Achromeos. Being sheltered as a child, she became a bit of a pushover in high school, ending up as one of Enigma's many victims. Eventually, she came around and grew as a person, learning to stand up for herself in the progress. She forgave Enigma a long time ago, just in time as the two of them were shoved in a team together with Neria.  Whenever Gala's group is sent on missions, she often has to serve as a mediator between Neria and Enigma, who bicker all the time, with Joan just being entertained by the drama from afar.

Neria, fairy of black holes is Gala's snarky and protective girlfriend. She started her magical journey as a witch, under the assumption she could never be a fairy with powers as dark as hers. Neria used to be no less than Gala's enemy. Nemesis, if you have it. Being the witch of black holes, originating from Wreath, she wanted to have nothing to do with Gala, the princess of the planet that had caused great poverty to Neria's people. The plan was simple: Hurt the princess, hurt the kingdom. And thus Neria had set out to do exactly that.  
However, the vile plans Neria made, didn't sit right with her. Although she was angry at the injustice Achromeos had caused, she also knew Prim was not to blame. On top of that, being evil wasn't just in her nature.
After a long time of fights between them, Neria started questioning whether or not she was fighting on 'the right side' or the side she thought she was supposed to belong to, as she had dark powers.
Eventually, Gala noticed her struggle and explained to Neria that her powers didn't make her 'good' or 'evil' but what she chose to do with them.
Ever since Neria changed her ways and transferred to Alfea. Gala and her became good friends, then best friends, which eventually lead to being even more than that.

Joan, fairy of toxins is a snarky, laid-back girl that fails to be bothered by most things in life. Usually, she can be found by herself, playing her guitar or brewing poisonous potions. Although she dislikes getting involved in quarrels, as it takes too much effort, she absolutely loves witnessing it. This is one of the reasons she's secretly fond of Enigma, as the girl somehow manages to cause drama wherever she goes. Due to her care-free nature, Joan is one of the only people that can handle Enigma's attitude, even more so, she loves to get under her skin, purposefully pissing her off.
Although it might look like softcore bullying to an outsider, Joan actually likes Enigma, her teasing just being a form of affection for the latter.

Enigma, fairy of prism light is an attention seeking ex-bully, trying to redeem her bad past after she got cancelled. Once a popular actor, she now finds herself learning what it is like to be a good fairy at Alfea.