Lyroa's Profile Comments

Oh man your characters are so dreamy and I love your art real much!! Keep up the great work!

;A; !!! Thank you very much! Likewise @ you!

WEEEH I'm so honored thank you!! ;; <3

hey Li<33 its Kettle (shiinchi / historie jhknvjm

Ooooh hi! How are you? Changed account again?

im surviving LOL! I'm doing alot of uni hwk so im just,,, sloshed atm :,) and yeeee I did<33 though this time its based off my favorite cartoon so hopefully itll stick!

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Thanks for the fav ;D

Uhuhuhuh you're welcome...

Hello there! I was surfing through your gallery and couldn't help but notice you have a wonderful selection of characters with vivid and distinct names. I'm always looking for new methods of naming my characters, so I just thought I'd ask: what's your process, and how do you go about finding/making up names? Is there anything that inspires you?

Thanks so much, and have a nice day!

Hmmmmm sorry I took ages to reply, but I tried to answer twice and both time that comment got deleted... So I will keep it short and sweet... or at least as short and sweet as I can.

I name my characters half randomly, half because they look like they would be named like that. Thought the years, with reading and drawing and watching movies, I have come to associate certain personalities and looks with certain sounds. I can also be influenced by the pronunciation itself. For example, Kries is a character that likes to fight, he's a soldier by trade, and when you say the "kr" at the start of his name you have to show your teeth. It's menacing and intimidating, just like him. 

Other examples of sounds I associate with certain personalities: "m" closes the mouth so the character tends to hide stuff, "s" is sneaky, "a", especially at the beginning of the name, is for arrogant characters, etc.

Roselyne, on the other hand, is a play on words. I imagine her delicate, even a little fragile, like a rose, and "rose" in french means pink... I have many characters with names that are puns, they are easy to remember. 

Lastly, when I want to find a name that fit a certain species or lore (like, for example, if I want to specifically name a night elf), I got with a random name generator that fits the theme. I usually find what I need at this site. It's pretty diverse, and once I have found the generator that I want I refresh it until I am satisfied.  

But I usually come up with names very quickly. I trust my instinct on it and don't give it too much thought. In the end, it all works out.

Found you~