MAGGOTEATER's Profile Comments

hey ty for the sub! just wanted to pop by and say your art and characters are very cute :]

SOOOO LATE TO THIS but thank you so much !!!! your stuff is absolutely awesome ;___; I'm flattered !!

HI! Tysm for the sub!! Your art is literally so awesome :D

Bugs are so cool I love meeting other people who like bugs!! I recently started keeping isopods(armadillidium vulgare specifically!) and I love them soo much!!!! Do you have a favorite bug? For me it’s in between polyphemus moths and hummingbird hawkmoths! (I really like moths haha)

THANK YOU !!! gahh your designs go so hard, i am flattered (-:

I TOO LOVE MEETING BUG LIKERS i deepy appreciate you giving me an excuse to be stupid annoying about them LMAOO sorry in advance .... keeping isopods is SOOO neat ! very curious as to what you feed them -- do you just let them eat from their habitat or do you need to give them some sort of specific food / supplements ? I've heard people give them calcium ?

moths are SUCHH good lil creatures. fantastic taste. i am utterly indecisive but currently reallly into whip scorpions / amblypygi ( if you're cool with crazy spidery-looking things i absolutely suggest googling them. they're INSANELY cool looking ) !!! ermmm also phasmids and mantids ... specifically devil's flower mantis. soooo pretty ^____^

NO YOU’RE FINE!!!! I really like learning about bugs and generally just listening to people talk about their interests!! The isopods are so cool! Since their enclosure is new it has a lot of nutrients in the soil and the leaf litter so they mostly eat that! However I do give them food every so often just for the extra protein!! I feed them either fish pellets (they have a lot of protein!!) or food made specifically for isopods (it’s this powder stuff that turns into gel when you mix it with boiling water!) I also have a bit of cuttlebone in their enclosure for calcium because that’s important as well!! They’re very silly I enjoy watching them a lot.

ALSO I looked up the whip scorpions and they’re soo cool!!!! Very weird little critters. I also really like the devil’s flower mantis!! They’re so pretty I think they’re so cool! Have you heard about Spiny flower mantises?? They’re like my favorite I think they’re just so awesome.

Uuh hiii, I really like your art! It's so clear and cartoony!

What are some of your favourite bugs? 👀

I love stick/leaf Insects and grasshoppers irl, absolutely stan scorpion people/centaurs in fiction (even though they're not bugs... anyway bug people and taurs are so cool)

explosion sound effect. THANK UUUU SM your art is absolutely awesome !!!

bug centaurs are so real.,... love those guys.... stick/leaf insects are a big favorite of mine too !!! ^___^ i am especially biased for beetles, tailless whip scorpions, mantids, aaaand millipedes/myriapoda. even though a majority of them aren't even insects LMAO i am simply a hashtag arthropod adjacent fan. ohhh and the japanese spider crab (-: love that funky fella

ooh!! allow me then
*unleashes pill bugs upon your profile*


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