All characters within this folder are for sale/trade (Unless it is within the pending folder-that means that they've already been traded or are in the process of being paid for)

I will ONLY sell my characters or trade them for artwork, I do NOT want MYOs or designs
I can be rather picky with art at times! It is not a criticism of you art style or skill, it just might not click with me
I mostly have furry characters, so please keep that in mind when offering! I am ok with sfw and gore/body horror works being offered! No NSFW please!

Some of the characters within this folder may have NSFW art. Because of that, if you are a minor I am not comfortable giving that character to you due to that fact. If you offer on a character with NSFW artwork, I will let you know as all NSFW works are hidden

reference worm on a string sonas art fight avatar HTML MICROWBIRD Character Template F2U adopt furry furby co-owned P2U kyliin worm anthro bottlehound Ezson plant