ways to support Palestine's people

Posted 6 months, 24 days ago by MORNINGSORRY

keep in mind this is in no way a complete masterlist of sorts, but rather a handful of resources i've checked out myself. there are many more out there and i encourage all who read this to seek them out too, always taking care to make sure it's legitimate before donating or engaging in any way.

remember to uplift Palestinian voices. stay informed. share videos, photos and news from reputable outlets and journalists if you have any platform anywhere at all. if you don't, make sure your loved ones are well-informed and not falling for propaganda, zionist rhetoric, etc.


more resources:
  • [ceasefiretoday] - a carrd with many more ways one can contribute with direct action. this one is specially important if you're in the United States - there's several guidelines on contacting your representatives to call for a ceasefire in Gaza and ending U.S. complicity in this genocide.