MaceRace's Profile Comments

Hiya! What's ur discord if you don't mind me asking ^^ since I can't find it anywhere on your profile 😭

My discord is lazy4tday!

Hey! I completely forgot I owe you art from a trade for my friend HellboundHadez a while back ^^'

I can't find your Discord tho, mine is albino_lyle

Plz contact me as soon as possible so I can get that art done for you♡

I NEVER CAME HERE SO HI LAZY!!! i really love your art, your ref sheets are awesome!

WAHH, HI! Thank you so much, means a lot to me!crazy_crying.jpg

Just wanted to say thank you so much for the mystery freebie! Their design is absolutely perfect for the kind of character I need. Thank you and have a great day!!

Never got the chance to thank you of sending me a code for <3 that one of my friends helped me join, thx so much Lazy!.

hello im back! :0c

im actually willing to do another full for adel! :D

Yo, cool to hear! Adel is probs the one I'd need less braincells to decide to part with, lol

Thou, besides that, would it be fine to add a tiny rule like thing about em being only a trade back if ya ever decide to part with them? It's fine if not, just, still enjoy their design and would love the chance of getting them back if scenario ever came ^^"

of course!! :D who would you like the fullbody of 👾

Awesome! Also, sorry bout the late reply! Anyways, any of these would be cool! (one of the other XD)

should have it done soon >:)

Alrighty, awesome!

everything should be sent!

Awesome! Sent Adel your way, enjoy them! 

found me!flat_prize.png

Hello !! are you still interested in this guy ?

Ah, could ya remind what I had offered? My memory ain't the best = ="

yes ! you offered a small doodle page 

Ah! Sadly with my current schedule, don't think I'd still be able to go through with the offer, my apologies!

no problems ! i'll put them back for offer ^^

Thank you for being understanding!


What about trade for them?

You can look while my th

Mains are NFS^^

Oh and..I can offer arts

You can see examples from my Twitter

Hello! Deepest apologies about the very late reply! Had planned to reply, but then I forgot anf yeah = = "

Anyways, are you still interested to offer? Maybe check out for more? My sales account now is storage_bin, if you wish to check again!

Hi! It's okay!!

What about trade for them?

Mains are still NFS

Thanks for the fav on Lian ^^ ❤️

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Hello! That is, indeed, my amino account! ^^

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Hello! That is, indeed, my account ^^