MadameGrotesque's Profile Comments

i like ur pfp! o:

Thank you my invertabrother! It’s my priest Father Chanel Frollo de Nuovo from my Yaoi horror manga, Fatal Moon!

I would need to have credit given as the designer and you cannot make money off the original artwork or free artwork of him unless they state it. I would also love to see what you do with him. 

He is to be one of the ‘mean girl ringleader’ Type Angels in my series Fatal Moon, which is also a novel I am rewriting, an rp universe I created and a manga project I am working on as stated before. He is to be Gabriel Fallow Essence, a diva with a nasty attitude toward even his own henchmen, he has redeeming qualities I just haven’t written them yet XD

Credit will be given where credit is due, he will be need to be redrawn, when he was alive as an angel they didn’t wear clothing, they were all sent to earth to build the garden of Eden and they were not allowed to fight back against the beasts of nature they were forced to create that ended up hunting them, so no weapons.

sounds very interesting thus far. and I know it is an older design of mine so I can see why you would want to redraw him out. I would love to see what you do when you do end up redrawing him. 

I have some artist friends helping me out, my lead artists style is kinda nice