MajesticSquid's Bulletins

About Customs

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by MajesticSquid

If I make you a custom, please tell me if you're planning to just sell it off. I work hard on them and would like to know their whereabouts...

I would also like a chance to get my creation back if I actually did like it; which I did in this case.

Overall just- be honest please. If I hope you like the custom, please inform me if you didn't and why. This can help me to better make adopts in the future, and maybe let you give a few things that you wouldn't want.

- Anyways just a small rant. Sorry >v<'

Adopted Childs

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by MajesticSquid

....So yeah, Imma try to name them ALL.

(I love all of 'em I just haven't had time to sit down and use 'em enough...I got a few sketches though xD)