Glaukos Grove

The Glaukos Grove is an independent, RPG themed location I use as a personal verse to tie together characters I feel fit the theme, nothing more. It is a secluded forest of average size that is partially adjacent to a popular trade route between the capital and fourth largest city of the nation it is contained in. Despite being in parts rather uninviting with a wide marsh and several steep and rocky formations littering the area, it is also home to a large variety of magical and potent flora which are in large demand and lucrative to forage. A fair assortment of popular scenic locations litter the forest, and the more prominent inhabitants can sometimes be found there. 

The population has evolved into a very symbiotic, mutually cooperative society with internally malignant intents being highly limited. External visitors are not as safe, of course, especially if they choose to not respect the finer aspects of nature or sensitive ecosystems this habitat relies on.