Mantitor's Bulletins

Interaction Options

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by Mantitor

Well, turns out I kind of have a lot of characters who interact with others. So here we go.


Kned 's character.

incomplete/chibi ref

no ref


most wanted


Keuda & Aeden

43053008_6DMCj6QRIGi6iFk.png12119613?1639622427 Meeting in their first year classes, Keuda and Aeden were tentative School Friends - until Keuda was bitten and started to see Aeden for what he really was. Aeden introduced them to the world of supernaturals, and both of them started to thrive. They lived together for a few years, before Aeden and Alek started living together - and if the two weren’t romantically partnered elsewhere, they easily would have been platonic life partners. Keuda and Aeden like to chill together, watch movies, play video games and crack jokes.

Rose & Yen

43052974_ee6zTgMYbKGMHOP.png43053150_3pAzl9wfdCTYmJo.png Witch Gal Pals. Short Queens. Rose gives Yen hugs when James wont.

Cy & Q & Mere & Zarko & Slaine & Yuki & Rika & Matti & River & Turner

43623669_xPz9OF3ulp5NYNH.png 43614679_5zqiOnzrDWfY1D3.png 43623712_PWRHgI4VSDyFm04.png 43614725_MkIVi3OmJ9bGP0Q.png 43623744_u0gT41ZDrRYYgWg.png 43614745_EEmeLTRtPMRoNec.png 43053554_wSceQipJKxhI7bC.png 43053037_99O0nFqVgalm786.png 43614698_KYq5Mdw5DMtkVYA.png 43623796_0ofHfxJiSg1pg3n.png
are all friends and can hang out in any combination. They like to play video games together, watch movies, go dancing, and hang out. Quick notes on all of them are as follows:
Cybele is a smart, confident girl who knows what she likes. She’s a bit of a mom friend and likes to make sure everyone is included.
Q is very smart about reptiles, but not much else. He’s kind of oblivious, a space case, but very sweet and caring about his friends. However he’s always willing to listen.
Mere has a feline grace to her and likes to be the center of attention. While she’s not a bad person, she doesn’t mind getting others in to trouble occasionally.
Zarko is a bit of a hot head, and a cliche masculine guy. He tries pretty hard and can sometimes seem like he’s overcompensating.
Slaine is a little shy, but coming out of their shell now that they have a supportive partner and their sealskin back.
Yuki is creative and energetic, and loves to play pranks - but never hurtful ones.
Rika is becoming the “responsible” one, but always takes time to have fun with friends, too.
Matti is a bit of a dumb jock, but he’s starting to smarten up.
River is an emo kid but he’s learning to relax a bit more for his friends.
Turner is recovering from a rough initial transition to being a werewolf, but he’s getting the hang of it now. He’s still a bit subdued with unfamiliar situations.

Cy & Q

43623669_xPz9OF3ulp5NYNH.png43614679_5zqiOnzrDWfY1D3.png Cold-blooded friends, Cybele and Q met each other when Q was looking for someone to split rent with. Cy’s mom is a naga as well, so there’s an immediate understanding of their mutual needs. Soon after moving in together they were almost like family. The two of them love basking in warmth together, and just hanging out.

Matti & Turner

43053037_99O0nFqVgalm786.png43623796_0ofHfxJiSg1pg3n.png A newer werewolf, Turner has looked to Matti to help him understand what has happened to him. Even though Matthias isn't a turned werewolf, he's a decent teacher for a new were to learn the ropes with.


Rose & Daemyn

43053150_3pAzl9wfdCTYmJo.png43053500_e1SZehLtLQlnbQu.pngA witch-turned-fiend and the fiend that made her want to do it. Rose is an emotionally intelligent mom-friend who’s gone through some unpleasant past relationships. Raised most of her life by a single father, she became a goth early on, and explored magic through that subculture, surprisingly finding herself with tangible results. She’s attracted to a certain intensity of character that often results in unhealthy dynamics… but in Daemyn she’s found a good balance of that darkness with fun seeking. He has some immaturity issues, sure, but he’s funny and attentive which is what matters to her. Dae borders on possessive in his protective nature about Rose, but is happy for her to enjoy the freedom of a dynamic social life.

Keuda & Tati

43053008_6DMCj6QRIGi6iFk.png43053570_Hz7zEJhKvHEEJff.png Bitten by a werewolf in October of their freshman year, Keuda had a whole new identity crisis to work through along with their gender identity. They’re friendly, extremely energetic, and curious - a human golden retriever - and thanks to their distance from a lineaged werewolf (approximately 8 bites down the chain reaction of confused new werewolves) they’re approximately the same thing but huge, hairy, and contagious one night a month. When they first met Tati, it was at their local coffee shop - and they did everything in their power to protect their “mundane” love interest from their full moon identity. Meanwhile, Tatiana, a private investigator with a law degree from Germany, hid her own secret - her family hunts supernatural creatures, and she was on the trail of some werewolves. While the initial discovery was one of horror for both parties, Tati quickly realized that many of the beings her family hunted were genuinely normal, good people, and they are now happily engaged. Tati is a calm, steady influence in Keuda’s life, but she enjoys their boundless energy, and kind nature.

Otto & Liam

43053112_l0qE7acFQH5AcWf.png43053534_8cb3TMi7F6W2RHO.png Otto’s “Master”, Yvette, the vampire who changed him, did so to free him from an institution where he was being (detained) treated for hysteria and frigidness. Then Ottilie, he initially changed his presentation to provide more opportunities in the very early 1800s, as Yvette’s escort and footman. He quickly realized he was more at home in his skin this way, and decided to never return to his “female” life, though transitioning physically was and still is deeply complicated by his vampirism. Though Yvette initially sought to help him, her motivations were largely selfish, wishing to control him and intentionally stunting his growth as a vampire to keep him focused on pleasing her. In the early 2000s, she tired of his company and released his bond to her, leaving him suddenly. He used some underhanded techniques to hunt while alone until he transferred to Liam’s district to attempt to build a new life. Meeting the other vampire, he was exposed to a healthier life style and the two quickly found solace in one another’s company. They are passionate, affectionate and trust each other deeply.Liam is the older and better established vampire but finds with Otto he can let his guard down, let his responsibilities rest, and enjoy himself.

Alek & Aeden & Joss

43053077_3XdkzzePVmfzwnM.png12119613?163962242743053951_GKjWpI8oFG7BKIm.png An affluent, well-rounded and athletic wereleopard, Alek comes from a well established family with a great deal of local influence. He is gentle and eager to please, despite his somewhat intimidating height and strength. Alek and Aeden started dating after Keuda broke up with Alek and told him to pursue their roommate instead. Aeden may be small and delicate, but he quickly became comfortable with his boyfriend, and communicating his needs to him. Shortly before the two married, they met Joss - a Kelpie who had been long unattached. The three found that they enjoyed the dynamics between them: Joss is a steady, confident partner, who can keep up with Alek’s intense athletic endeavors and the emotional demands of two husbands. Any 2 of the 3 is fine, but the trio together would be amazing. Affection is great between them.

Matti & Rika

43053554_wSc.png43053037_99O0nFqVgalm786.pngA dog and his girl. All jokes aside, Matthias left his emotionally manipulative pack after Keuda was briefly brought in to “audition” to join. Escaping his ward, he came to Liam’s, discovering that the pack had withheld educational opportunities as well as social ones. Matti’s impulsive behavior has been curbed by Rika’s far more cautious nature, as both of them learn new kinds of freedom together. They’re younger than the others and more interested in having fun. Kissing/cuddling/canoodling is all good.

Yen & James

43053322_CRhXMeznyFj8dKG.png43052974_ee6zTgMYbKGMHOP.pngRight now modern (human-looking) James is preferred. This description is for that version of this relationship.
Layenni was an overly sheltered child of an affluent family, accustomed to the disappointment of her father. The girl in a set of triplets, she never had the opportunity to prove herself against her brothers, whom he preferred. When she got out on her own, after achieving her degree in business and her accreditation as an accountant, she started to experimenting with some rebellion… falling in with the very alternative arts scene, and a photographer named James. Their relationship is unconventional. Yen is very physically affectionate and (frankly) clingy. James prefers his personal space, but makes certain to balance their needs as partners. He tends to look very aloof and deadpan, and she is the Ray of sunshine floating around him.

Slaine & Yuki

43623744_u0gT41ZDrRYYgWg.png43614745_EEmeLTRtPMRoNec.png Sweet sapphics, Slaine and Yuki got to know each other better on a cruise with a number of other supes, when they shared a cabin. They’re very sweet and gentle with one another, with Yuki showing Slaine they’re deserving of affection and both of them sharing new experiences together. Holding hands, embracing, playing video games together, any affection is good!

Turner & River

43623796_0ofHfxJiSg1pg3n.png43614698_KYq5Mdw5DMtkVYA.png Turner has always thought of himself as straight, but when he met River they built a bond that was meaningful for both of them. He’s a bit nervous still, but finds stability and comfort in being able to protect River, and has started sleeping well for the first time since turning when he’s near.


Mere & Zarko

43623712_PWRHgI4VSDyFm04.png43614725_MkIVi3OmJ9bGP0Q.pngAlthough Mere was raised in a very loving family, in late middle school she started exploring rebellion, and it was at this time that she met Zarko. Realizing he was a fellow supe, but completely without resources, she decided to introduce him to her parents. While formally, he was not legally adopted by her family, they did take him in to live with them and do their best to help him with some of his skills. Mere and Zarko have a fond sibling-like relationship, with plenty of teasing and antagonism, but also a lot of protection and support. Hair mussing, eye rolling, it’s all there.


