MaskedKiller's Profile Comments

I wanna eat ur ocs!! >:3

hi! I was just traded one of your designs (velvet hearts) and the person I traded with informed me that you have a tos but I can’t seem to find it so I was just wondering what your rules are ? thanks so much for your time!

A few basic ones for that design is just don't completely change the whole design in a short amount of time, don't delete/hide the profile, and if you wish to sell it then put it at a fair price! 

awesome thank you so much!! <3

Do u mind if I saturate the images on this guy a bit :3? It’ll make the red brighter, but also make his skintone more pigmented since the machine saturates the entire image, so I wanted to make sure that was okay since I think that falls under changing skintone 😭

I could send u an example of what I mean on discord too!

i js saw ur discord got hacked, in that case I could do u an example on TH ^^

Go ahead! It wouldn't be a problem since I'm fine if you change the skin slightly

And I actually got my discord back! 

Hi! So sorry to bother you this late but if you're able to get back to me soon that would be great! I was wondering if you still had your discord account? and if you actually messaged me saying that you reported my account? I got suspicious about it and did some research before doing anything else so I was wondering if you actually reported my account for fraud/scam on accident.


I fell for it and they are now using my account to scam/hack others! They also tried making me pay $150

If you can, please warn others about it! 

I didn't fall for it thankfully! I'm so sorry that happened to you and I have been warning my friends/others about it as well!

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It's completely okay!! They look so adorable<3

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hi! I was wondering if I could give Alamort a goat nose? I struggle to draw faces without noses, and that’s the only detail I wanna add ^^!

Ignore me, I saw that small edits are okay on your TOS right after I posted this 😭

Bahaha it's alright


Thank you, I stole it from my bf 💪

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☹️ I'm tempted to say no bc I loved Aznia so much, but argh it doesn't seem fair to you 🥲

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What's the offer? ☹️

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Wow- still not sure 🥲 I really did love Aznia, he's a pretty one

3 Replies

Hey! I was wondering if I could I resell him to them? Thank you for your time!

Both links took me to stumacher lol

Oh, sorry for the inconvenience! I wanted to ask if I could resell him to them? I’m really sorry if they’re on your blacklist or anything though.

No no stumacher isn't on my blacklist, they're like my best friend n stuff

But yeah, go ahead

Ah, just making sure!! Thank you!!

Hi! Wondering, could I trade this babe to them ? ^^✨

Sure, go ahead

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Yep! Thanks for asking

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Yeah, but I see you already transferred them before I could give perms? 

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While I appreciate you letting me know, my global rules do say to ask(not just tell) 🙏 

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I’m Ruski from 🔮coin adopt🔮 amino! 

I’m here to verify that this account is yours

Yep, it is! 

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Go ahead! Thanks for letting me know

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hi hi, just wanted to lyk to pls lmk if you ever resell my designs, its in my tos and my global design rulez

i noticed bismuth was resold without any prior notice ,, dw ur not getting like blacklisted or anythin just pls lmk next time !!! ty

Ahh sorry! It's been so long that I must have forgot, and I believe I gifted him and didn't sell em! 

its aight dw !!! regifting is fine but i still do like knowing who the character goes to (mostly so i can make sure they arent blacklisted) !!

Alr, I'll be sure to notify you next time then! 

aight tysm !!!

Hello ^0^!!

This is izzy from the GAA 

I am here to verify. Can you confirm this user is you >_<!?

Yep it's me!