Mauve3's Profile Comments

Heyo! I see you accepted my offer for buttercup, please dm me on amino or tell me your user here and I’ll join you on Roblox! I’m moodiiqx 

I’ve already sent the hazewing over 

it would be tons easier to talk on amino if you don’t mind

Sorry for the late response! I was at school. I was locked out of amino and can't get back in haha, ill send you a freind request on roblox and send over buttercup 


Awesome!!^^ meet me in adopt me when possible 

Though I'm not sure you accepted my freind request! When you accept just join me🙂

Sorry I’m in vacation I acceptEd it, messge me on Roblox!

I’ll be able to join in few, dm me on Roblox 

Messaged ^^

4 Replies

Hey tour it’s blooming! So I really miss my serp and I’m really sorry to disappoint about heatwave I’m so sorry. I’m wondering if I can do ANYTHING to get buttercup back

I can do all my good adopt me pets, my hq havewing people have offered owls and adds for (the Hazewing names akari on my Toyhouse) and literally anything else 😭

I have a neon frost fury, neon kangaroo, Arctic reindeer, 4 wyvern s though one means a lot to me so three and more

I can add anything else just tell me and I’ll do it