MechaMars's Profile Comments

pspspspps idk if ur big into cs ocs but (includes a cham, tb, etc!)

is there a way i can find all of these reaction images

i really wanna make versions for my sona omg

oh yeah! i think if you throw them in google they'll find the original? (i just found them via google/pinterest/wherever)

 I can help you look though if there's a specific you want the og of, i may still have the original for it! 😁

gotcha! may take me a hot second but i'll send the links when i find em!

tysm! also do u mind if I use the ref you use for your sona as a reference? I like how it's set up and I'd like to make a sona of mine humanoid so :o

sure! i dont own layouts or anything LOL so feel free!

20 Replies

you ARE the cringe!!!

sounds like a whole lot of hooplahhh

Me when i see you have Chittr Icon style comms *eyes*

how much are they usually or does it depend? :0

they're 10 each! complexity doesn't matter ^^

so sorry for the late response would one of him ( be fine? :0 

You're good! and yea they should be fine!!

Do you want anything specific(action wise etc.) before i start?

hmm, maybe a more nervous pose, other than that no ^^

Do you happen to have this base still? I set credits as you but I wasn’t sure who made it.

Yes i do! I moved it to my spare account

Thank you so much!

Heyo! Was wondering if your comms are still open or not? I'd love to commission a piece or two of a gal of mine :)

Oh yes! commissions are still open! though i do have animated icons temporarily closed until i tweak info about them + motivation for doing them atm is a bit low ;w; so apologies in advance if thats one of the comm types you were looking at!

Ah okay, Could I get a headshot of my gal Jackie? Was also wondering if you still accept DA points or not anymore?

Yes im still accepting DA Points! ^^ and yes of course!

Cool! Can I pay with points then. trying to get rid of these points-

yea!!! i'll take them once i have the finished piece ready to hand over to you!

1 Replies

Hey,,, I saw a while ago you were taking DA points for your commissions,,, Is that still happening or have you gone back to only Paypal?

Yes im still taking DA points for commissions!
If you want a good idea of when i'll stop taking DA points if you're thinking of commissioning at a later time, you can refer to this since it states how many DA points I need left ^^ :

Alrighty,,,, For a blinking animation it'd be 1,000 DA pts, yes?

yea animations are 1k DA points ^^

animations may take longer to finish atm due to college so just a heads up!

That's perfectly fine!!

I was wondering if I could get a blinking animation of the fellow I'm IC as,,,, It would be an extra 200 pts for his tail to wag behind him, I assume? 

assuming i could fit it in the frame, i think it would be more toward complex since it would require two versions of the frame (unless they're doing helicopter tail but i dont think thats the case ghghg)

5 Replies