
Furries 82174b9e974b65307ee4cd5f32206994.jpg

This folder contains furry characters, big suprise! Some are sonas while others are just characters.

Humans 94f3a8ebed16c68a6c8a500aced8dc7d.jpg

This folder contains human characters. All human characters are created and designed by me. I do not accept trades for any of my characters and am not looking for any human characters.

For Sale p8eUrHX.jpg

This folder contains characters that I no longer want. I am looking for anything from art, characters, or money.

Stories cover512x512-5871c61f7f6c4378ad636150a47

This folder contains a link to my stories. I'm constantly updating them and the lore behind each character. I'm am hoping to make some of them into comics or animations when I have the time!

HTML by Eggy