



And there are never really endings, happy or otherwise. Things keep going on, they overlap and blur, your story is part of your sister's story is part of many other stories, and there is no telling where any of them may lead.

Magic lurks under the crust of the earth. Some are blessed with her powers, controlling the weather, the elements, wishes, and sometimes fate. But where power lies, there is a war not far.


Magic and technology melted together centuries ago, letting technology rise above the need for magic. Xato is the capital and one of the strongholds of innovation. Flying cars meet reusable energy; robotic advancements are used for everyday life, and people forgot that there was a time when magic was everywhere. Well, not all of them. Hunters are looking for the few magic users left in the world. Here they have their headquarters and control the small groups all over the Eshya.


Protected in another plane of existence lies the hideaway of the biggest magic user community. Here they found peace and safety from the hunters. This city is close to the university of magic, which is only for magic users and is protected by the government.

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