The Dwadling Inn

Unbeknownst to many people there lurks magic around the corner. They call it the River of Reflections. It allows you to see different worlds in its waters and, if you dare jump in, travel to them. The river finds its origins in the caves of Trowaries. Here the people protect its water from the pollution above.

Most people will never be able to experience what it can do, but there are a few that are 'lucky' enough to have found themselves in one of these worlds. Ilse who crosses a river towards a cottage and finds herself in Euphoria. Maddie and Dawn who fall into a pond and find themselve in Esnia Clove and ... who fall into Trowaries and get to see the magic first hand Juni and Esme who unbeknownst to them have drank from the river and absorbed some of it's magic

The River enjoys fucking around with people. If it finds you interesting enough it might also throw a curveball onto your path. If you do happen to find yourself in this situation don't forget to come visit the Dwadling Inn.

An inn located between dimensions, visited by beings from different realities to share stories and hot chocolate!