MinFluffy's Profile Comments

hi! i hope this comment is okay. I love your art a ton, and I was wondering if you were taking little commissions and what your prices may look like if you do <3 sorry if otherwise. have a cool day :3

Ah, do you know how my art looks like?, i dont post my art on here 😭!!  unless you saw my twitter?

Oh lol i was getting mixed up, but I did find your twitter and I still think your stuff is cute c: sry for spooking you if I did !

OH no its not your fault, im so sorry for raising your hopes most of my oc's art dont have credits because i didnt know how to credit art before, if your still interested in my art i could let you know my prices! :)

oooohh! definitely. I'd hate for you to like, whip up a whole examples sheet just for me, but if it's stuff like from here from your twitter (https://twitter.com/Yukiecookii/status/1636137729003241473?cxt=HHwWgoDSzZGm3bQtAAAA) then I'm interested, and I'll let you know when I'm ready to place an order!! but I'm deifnitely willing to look at examples otherwise. I just have a picky preference and love what you've put out. And you're totally fine!!! :D

My art isnt exactly like theirs, i really love their art tho! , my twitter is  here https://twitter.com/PipiThePenguin_ i havent posted much but i will be posting maybe today or tommorw, my art kinda looks different from most examples here, if your interested let me know and ill message you on here for more info i accept usd and roubux.

Hey im MInisculeMochi! im an artist and i love drawing heres where my ocs are if you wanna draw them or just see them  this is still  in construction so yeah anyways have a nice day