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Role-play hub

I like the sound of that.

Everything in here is meant to be part of something grander. The characters are part of friends' universes/ shared worldbuidling and have been developed to fit in. Although, they often venture outside their origins in AUs of just whatever.

These are my current fixation. Oops!




I got dragged in the Persona pit, and I haven't managed to crawl out. Not that I want to, lol. Much of the madness got fueled by Xiibalba's extensive universe based on the Persona games.


Persona games Currently in STASIS survival


fire emblem

Fire Emblem has been a part of my gaming fixations for years and years, and it never occurred to me to create OCs inmmersed in the lore until Fire Emblem Engage. Alongside a couple friends others, we managed to carve a little version of the story and beyond.





vveevil's gripping murder mystery set at St. Olympia has got my lone character in a state. Hopefully, he survives long enough to figure out whose behind the murders of fellow students.


TTRPG Currently in use murder mystery



Another one of vveevil's bangers, this one is a fascinating tale involving a drought that has lasted 20 years after the death of an important figure who held the tittle of Raincaller. It pulls from Mayan mythologies (from name, aesthethics, etc.) and builds a compelling plot.


wip magic Inactive


dnd cache

I've had the opportunity a while ago to particpate in some oneshots, but I never tried to properly document them aside from notes and sketches here and there. I thought it best to group them all in one place; even if i never get to use them again.

Currently redesigning some designs I made in 2020 during an art challenge. Slow progress.

┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

dnd stasis WIP



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Sed malesuada diam id nunc commodo euismod. Etiam pharetra lobortis elementum. Integer varius, elit ac congue pharetra, lacus nulla egestas lectus, ut aliquam lorem risus a nunc. Quisque eu nibh eget leo pharetra mollis. Praesent blandit ut risus in mattis. Pellentesque quam lectus, dapibus ac elit non, interdum tempor nibh. Sed mollis rutrum quam, sit amet pharetra neque scelerisque eget. Fusce vel interdum sapien, in varius ex. Praesent egestas consectetur tortor non ultricies. Proin urna ipsum, tristique sed velit nec, vestibulum porta dui.

Maecenas lobortis interdum velit, eu lacinia odio tempor nec. Fusce ut pretium quam. Integer rhoncus metus quis lacinia vulputate. Vestibulum laoreet neque eget ex maximus efficitur. Duis blandit accumsan odio, in tempus quam consectetur ac. Curabitur tristique leo vitae pellentesque consequat. Pellentesque tristique elementum libero, nec consequat neque egestas sit amet. Sed semper leo at auctor semper. In lobortis placerat sapien, eu feugiat nisi fermentum et. Duis tincidunt urna vitae nisi dapibus rutrum. Etiam suscipit, lectus in vulputate scelerisque, libero justo dapibus nulla, in laoreet nisi urna id turpis. Morbi id maximus mauris. Suspendisse odio sapien, dignissim at faucibus in, posuere id metus. Duis et lacinia metus, at porttitor eros. Vivamus luctus, ante id hendrerit aliquam, dolor libero dapibus mauris, non porttitor augue sapien id dui. Donec libero ante, facilisis ac nisi in, vulputate blandit sem.

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