Hareley Hotel

Hareley Hotel

Tucked away deep into the woods, almost only ever found if you aren't looking for it is Harely Hotel.

In a world where the supernatural creatures hardly seem to have rhyme or reason to them, it seems absurd to have a hotel for them.
It is even more absurd for it to be run by a human, as humans who can see and interact with the supernatural usually finds themselves targets sooner or later.

Despite so, Esther Hareley seeks to lay low from other humans and as such she has walked into a world that she probably isn't entirely ready to face. Especially after having spend her entire life haunted by the supernatrual.
She has fallen deeply in love with the haunted and very much serial-killing figure, Orvyl.
In an attempt to protect him, she ends up committing to a murder of her own and so they end up leaving to find a place to lay low. Esther magnets towards a haunted hotel that is desperately looking for someone to buy it and she decides to start a business on her own, just not catered to humans.
Thus continues their strange lives together where Esther becomes an owner of a hotel for the supernatural, whilst she has to hide her true nature. Orvyl has to now not only continue taking others lives, but also make sure to protect the life of his newly discovered loved one, whilst also figuring out exactly what his feelings are.

Midjord Roaming magic Human Brakesh Hell Roaming Magic Heaven Unholy Deity Demon Celestial Devil Unholy Magic Vyrz Jalia Angel Brilliar Greater Demon Srathigbea UATG Concubus The Pink Realm Abyssal Brakeshian Court Krakrasien Calypto Unholy magic Mage King Devil Holy Vampire Vhasmir Sin Holy Magic Pocket Dimension Zharv Regibea Cecaelia Nymph Xagia Normourt Witch Avaryllia Holy Being Hellian Lyx Fungi Ousrei Demon The Abyss Merbeing Qoiatus Bethibea Soul Guardian Epilouge Celestial Magic Abyssal Magic Maudi Oaqva Star Mhose Slumberer Aelve Yenith Olaila Xagia Leader Ogben Crp OC Soulbound The Darkscape Imnienama Unicorn OBRN Josrob Demon Ezhi Irfae Starwing Abyssal magic Ghost The PInk Realm Celestial magic Cryptid Necromancer Famine monster Unbound Spirit Howler Narrator Guardian Vhaefta Devil Solistelluna Star Child Cleapeia Rhosiara Angel Veyfalde Whistler Euriica The four Riders of the Apocalypse Mesmor Zagejl Ezhir ProudDelle Dragon Solistelluna court Evizal CAVIQ Dream demon Monarch Yuliya Vampire Resident Arc Angel cult postman Gluttony Pocket DImension Construct Envy Life Sireene Objecthead Orm Gobbleing Ydan Angel Sleeping Star Infurnace Virtue Sloth Unholy Being Havdue Ellokir Phraia Brilliar Morravashk Jobyss Omemri The concubi elite Bound Spirit Cendraek Devil Fairy bitten The Concubi Elite priest Restless Spirit police Nothingness Adentalis Familiar Siren Regizbea demon Basilisk Ydan angel Horsemen Prime Angel Hazrael Phoenix Xilbernaf Safnibea Wormling Fairy Hermit voidling Demon touched Primdal Angel Mdjord Luminous Yacvra Pride exorcist Withermore Rider of the Apocalypse cop Mattingclam Katastrophe Spirit Frostbite Starchild Beldam Angel Carni Carnival Alekeno Death Josrob demon Roaming Nymphelicha The Four Monarchs Phlorabyss Dyobvia The Opera OTA Myth Oukir Yofra Holy magic