The Guest House

The Guest House

The Guest House, also known as the TGH is an experimental and bizarre story that is meant to explore themes of:

Confusion and disorientation
(Loss of) hope and faith

The profiles are written in a way to suggest an episodic structure, but there's so far no plans on making any additional products aside the profiles and art. It's moreso written that way to let me imagine larger story beads and how they might narratively braid into each other.

The story:
The story follows the human Nolas and his journey through the odd dimension called "The Guest House", an impossibly large indoor structure that he cannot seem to figure out, nor get out of. TGH feels at once familiar and yet like somewhere he can't stay and settle in, like it's someone else's house that he has gotten lost in.
Nolas finds a recording device and starts talking into it to documen his discoveries and to keep himself sensical. However he has to start questionening his sanity much earlier than he would have liked as his recorder starts talking back to him.
Though initially intimidated by this, Nolas quickly finds his new friend Voy to be much more trustworthy than the rest of this world. Together they explore TGH and gets to discover its residents.
Nolas desperately seeks to escape, but what exactly is he escaping from and is there anything worthwhile to return to?

Midjord Roaming magic Human Brakesh Hell Roaming Magic Heaven Unholy Deity Demon Celestial Devil Unholy Magic Vyrz Jalia Angel Brilliar Greater Demon Srathigbea UATG