Spooky Land

    Also known as The Realm Of Eternal Night, Spooky Land is a realm where people and creatures feared by humanity are sent. Those who are sent here cannot leave unless freed by an Angel (Demons could free people back in the day but that ability has been revoked because of too many incidents of demons abusing that power). Those who came to Spooky Land out of free will and those who were born in Spooky Land can leave Spook Land.

 Creatures who are sent here are usually monsters (not my character Monster, I'm talking real monsters). Though sometimes harmless creatures such as a disfigured dog are sent here. It doesn't matter how dangerous the creature or person is, as long as it is feared by humanity, they will send it here. Many of the people who are sent here are serial killers or are just generally creepy. It doesn't help that being in Spooky Land tends to slowly warp the minds of humans. Although there are exceptions. 

  The Realm Of Eternal Night is, as the title implies, always night. The majority of people who sent others here are called "Exorcists" despite the fact that they are not allowed to send demons to Spooky Land. Exorcists job is to seek out creatures and people who are feared and send them here.