MoolkY's Bulletins

Artfight agaaaain

Posted 15 days, 6 hours ago by MoolkY

Think I will participate again if nothing stops me hehe, might not be able to do as much as last year but we'll see!

Also reminder I'm offering chances of free art for specific types of characters, go here:

Let me draw your Ocs! (free) and updates

Posted 4 months, 24 days ago by MoolkY

I have an urge to draw this kind of charas for practice and fun, so if you have some pls share and I may draw them! ONLY comment characters related to the following themes please:
◊ Creepy/horror/dark/monsters
◊ Badass/edgy/violent or intimidating
◊ Metal and/or urban-ish themed?
◊ Characters with weapons
◊ Elder characters
◊ muscular/chubby charas (not hyper/super exaggerated)
◊ robots/mechas or similar
◊ clowns/jesters
◊ Dragons, reptiles and amphibians

⁘ The style and type of art may vary depending on what I feel like doing, also keep in mind I could use the art for portfolio or commission examples.
⁘ I will only draw those charas I feel like doing! and whenever I have the time. Commissions are priority.
⁘ Can be any species/type of characters (except animals with human heads pls) and feel free to send folders and as many links as you want anytime as long as this bulletin is up.
⁘ No need to be a follower nor anything.
⁘ If you're gonna complain about what you get or about not getting anything do not comment.


AND just some little quick updates, from now on most (if not all...) my adopts will be USD only ;v; as much as I'd like to keep accepting art and characters, I need money for so many reasons :c sorry about that. (this only applies for future adopts, current OTAs will remain OTA). AND I finally got a new tablet to get back to sculpts ohmygod I'm sorry it's been a while on that.

Free 3D sculpts! [CLOSED]

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by MoolkY

CLOSED! tysm everyone ^^

I forgot to add... NO AI generated characters/images!! If you have anything related to AI, I will delete your comment and please don't interact with me. I despise AI and ppl who support this glorified form of art theft.

LAST EDIT: My course started! so I will pause the requests but I will continue making them after ^^ so feel free to keep commenting until the title of this bulletin says "closed"! the course will be over around half of march I believe. Hopefully I can then offer proper renders too! tysm again, your comments motivated me a lot ;v;.
EDIT 2: I think I will end up doing more than 1-2 ^^ ! And when I close this I'll do a mini raffle where I chose a character randomly out of all the comments (Only those who haven't got a sculpt, this is so more people can get one!) OH and this is NOT the same raffle I mentioned at the bottom of the bulletin, that's a different one. THANKS AGAIN EVERYONE!
EDIT: thank you all so much for sharing and for your nice comments ;v; I appreciate it a lot! Hello, I need to remember how to use Zbrush for a course so I can maaaaybe get my degree :'D I'm scared and intimidated because the teacher will be one of my fave artists (Look at his art omg) and I SUCK at 3d TTuTT but sadly my university doesn't seem to wanna offer 2D courses, and this is my last hope, wish me luck lol.

SO, point is, I'd like to make some sculpts to practice a bit! I'm mainly looking for horror and/or fantasy creatures (can be humanoid but less chances of me makin them, at least now) idc about complexity, just send them XD as many as you wish, but I'm kind of in a rush, so I might not look much into folders with more than 3 pages XwX and I might sculpt 1 or 2 charas only! and I'll chose those I wanna do the most! I could do more in the future because I do wanna make more 3D but for now will be this. No need to follow me nor anything. Ah yeah and will probably do busts/headshots only.

PS: I will probably do an art raffle later when I have the time!


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