Despair Valley

Despair-Valley is about an open specie called a Lament it was made by Kerkeza as a coping mechanism for depression and troubles in life. They are based on a persons (your own or your oc's) depression or can just have no story and just be a random design etc. They are used as vent characters and are just something to take any issues out on rather than on yourself or others. Any issues you have can be expressed through a Lament, not just depression. 

A Lament Is born off a persons depression and the worse the depression the darker and bigger the despair. They start out as small puppies but the worse the person becomes the more dopey and slow they get.

Based on you. It can have any design you want.
Any information given will be kept between you and I.
You will get a custom of the adult and puppy versions.
Eyes on Laments are always black and runny.
Their fur is very long and matted.
They walk with heads low and a slow,dopey walk.

NFTNFS Female Anthro Furry Male Feral Canine Wolf Equine Humanoid Human male female canine Adult Feline OC dog Koberu Horse