MoonBerryBat's Profile Comments

hihiii ur tbn showed up on my homepage and i got curious abt ur charas! i just skimmed through the vuviran folder but i just think its so cool!! there are SO MANY!?!!? like thats a whole world in there! i especially loved the two "units", they got me rlly curious :0000 anyway i just wanted to say i think its awesome that you created this whole universe and id love to know more abt it :333

Ahhh thank you! It's been something I have been working on for YEARS now so they are all really really important to me! :D I am glad they peaked your interest, tells me I'm doing something right hehe :D!

Thank you for the fave~! Khia is cute!

No problem and Thank you so so much <3!

hello i seen your tbn girl with black hair and in a black dress