MoonMango's Profile Comments

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ohh hey!!

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yeah, i've been pretty good, you?

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it's up to you!

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i know i still owe you art but could i offer on or ?

as long as you can keep up with all the art, then yes!

k!! what would you want for them?

I just traded Starr, so any characters or art for December!

or actually could i offer on hayden ii-

a bit tentative, but okay!!

5 Replies

Could I offer on Starr?


How much are they worth?

I paid 50 points and some art for them,

any of my characters in uft or secondary interest you?

9 Replies


can i offer on some of your babs


how much are you looking for for charlie and/or tokyo? sorry I'm just to lazy to link rn

points or art!

how much art are you looking for charlie?

how much art are you looking for charlie?

they were 65 points so about 2 fullbodys??

4 Replies

Ayy. What ever happened to safe and sound?

tig and me are co-owning //i think//

ooh kk

You have such nice beans, they taste reel gud have a toot

they are so hot they taste like fire