Eat the Rich 🩸

Eat the Rich


Synopsis: Spencer Barnaby Yates is the disgraced black sheep of his family, but that suits him just fine. If people pay you to stay out of their sight, they don't pay a lot of attention to what you do in the meantime. Spencer wants to see his father's empire fall, and for that he's willing to make a deal with the devil - or the next closest thing. "Buddy" is a guy everybody knows and nobody does. He's your best friend, your pal, a guy you can trust - it's just that all his friends usually wind up dead sooner or later. So when Spencer, a snotty spoiled rich kid, wants to make a deal with him he thinks this will be over before it even starts. But the kid is a lot more capable than expected and if this plan works out, Buddy stands to gain something he desperately needs: Power.

Established: 2015

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