MosPal's Profile Comments

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hi! i'm ok with offers as long they don't have any tag that suggest otherwise! so feel free tto offer!
i'm just a bit picky on some!  

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it's alrighy! sadly i don't see myself trading sinclair fro that one, sorry! but tysm for the interest!

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hey! yeah they are cute! but sadly i can't think of anything i would trade for them atm! but tysm!

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Hello! Sorry for the bother, I just wanted to ask. Did you have a Cham named Latte or something like that? I believe they were brown with like, lil wings.. I loved their design but now I can't find them anywhere :0

hi! not bother at all! the only brown cham i have had it was a tanuki based cham! but i can't remember anyone with that color palette+ wings, i had another cham with wings but was all purple! it was like bat based >u< 

Heya! Just asking, would you consider non swap offers for any of ur chams?

Hi sadly i don't think so atm! ;3;)/ sorry! but tysm for the interest!

Oh! Well that's ok! I would still like to offer a Cham for your Myo, I'll offer on the Myo profile!

no worries! sure! feel free! ^^

Tu arte es genial AAA Me encanta!

AAAAA muchas gracias!!! su arte también es super genial!! : D/

Heya! Just wanted to notify u that this chara on your favs is ufo! I also wanted to ask, are your Chams up for eo?

hi! ooh that's great thanks!! just wondering what species are they? :0 what are you looking for them? >u< you might see me in their comments later!! hahah

and sure! i'm not actively looking at offers for any of them atm, but you can totally offer for any of them or any of my chars as long they don't have the nft tag or the main tag! ^^

I don’t think they’re from any species? And I’m mostly looking at trades! So feel free to offer whenever you want haha ^^

And for the chams, I actually wanted to offer for Monty! I can offer either trades or art, or both, and can add on money maybe! :>c

oki doki!! haha >u<

ooh oki! yeah i remember now!! hahaha, i would highly preffer trades (swaps really ;;) and money and/or art (or anything really but highly preffer the money) add-ons! yeah! ^^ althought i'm super picky about them ;v; but as a note i don't think i'll ever take art alone for them >u< /

Well, I can try offering trades for them! I can add art, and money if you need add ons, you can check my TH except from CS!

I just had a good big tour through your th! haha I saw several that caught my attention, but nothing for monty or my chams, sorry ;v; you have lots of pretty chars tho! ^^

2 Replies

Unsure if you got pinged when I responded to you about the adopt since i deleted the comment for the new owner- to your question, yes I’ll ping you when the next adopt comes out!

awesome! thanks you so much! your art is so pretty! :,>

Hey? Sorry for bothering you but would you consider them for Jinx as you told me that the offer of Jinx still up for any of my potat0cup designs!^^

Hello! Sorry about delayed answer! I was a bit busy :,> aaaaah sorry for the misunderstanding! With any potat0cup design, I mean the ones I listed in my offer. :, D sorry! This one is also very pretty! <3 but I don't click that much for Jinx :,> sorry! <3 if i change my mind about that one i´ll  totally let you know!

You know what, I will give you Jewel for Jinx,as I'm sure you will give them the attention they deserve! QwQ

Hey! Would you take Jewel for Jinx?^^

hi! omg sorry for such a late response! i haven´t check my notifications :,> aaah i´m SUPER interested but i don´t know why i doubt with the yes :,,> i super crasy love Jewel, but Lately i have given me a love for pink so, could you give me like 2 days to think about it  with a clear mind? It cost me a lot to get her so that's why I doubt a lot :,,,,> I'm really sorry for making you spin so much! :,0

Of course! QwQ

I understand!!!!

Hi! sorry for the delayed answer, i decided i will only give jinx for swap from the same designer, but i still like jewel a lot, would you consider this character for her? it´s oki if not! ^^

hey!! just letting u know that azazel, who u favorited, is now ufo and im accepting anything (but only dap and paypal for currency)!

thanks for letting me know! ^^ 

ahhh srry they were actually claimed already ;_;

ah yeh! i saw haha, no prob! ^^ thanks anyways! <3 have  a nice day! :>